Hyundai Motor India has unveiled the ‘Corporate Variant’ of the Grand i10 NIOS at Rs 6.93 lakh. Powering the ‘Corporate Variant’ is a 1.2L Kappa Petrol engine available with a 5-speed manual transmission (MT) or Smart Auto AMT, which is priced at Rs 7.57 lakh.
Tarun Garg, COO of Hyundai Motor India, speaking on the announcement said “With the launch of the ‘Corporate Variant’ in Grand i10 NIOS, we aim to offer the best value proposition to the Indian youth, especially first-time buyers. Based on our successful Grand i10 NIOS model with over 4 lakh happy families, the Grand i10 NIOS ‘Corporate Variant’ offers best-in-class safety. The ‘Corporate Variant’ will offer ‘Peace of Mind’ with affordable cost of ownership, backed Hyundai Motor India’s robust warranty package and nation-wide service backing. We are confident that the ‘Corporate Variant’ will appeal to young Indian customers, especially Gen Z & Millennials, wanting to begin their journey of personal mobility.”
The exterior boasts R15 (D=380.2mm) dual-tone styled steel wheels, a painted black radiator grille, body-colored outer door handles and ORVMs, LED tail lamps, LED daytime running lamps (DRLs), and comes in seven monotone colors: Atlas White, Typhoon Silver, Titan Grey, Teal Blue, Fiery Red, Spark Green, and Amazon Grey (New), featuring an exclusive ‘Corporate’ emblem on the tailgate.
Inside, the dual-tone grey interior offers features like an 8.89 cm speedometer with multi-information display, driver seat height adjustment, footwell lighting, front room lamp, and front passenger seat back pocket.
The infotainment system includes a 17.14 cm touchscreen display audio with USB and Bluetooth connectivity, along with four speakers and steering wheel-mounted controls for audio and Bluetooth. Convenience features comprise electrically adjustable outside rear-view mirrors (ORVM), auto down power window (driver only), rear AC vents, fast USB charger (Type C), passenger vanity mirror, rear power outlet, and more.
Safety features in the ‘Corporate Variant’ include tire-pressure monitoring system (Highline), six airbags as standard, seat-belt reminder and three-point seat belts for all seats, day and night inside rear-view mirror (IRVM), anti-lock braking system (ABS) with electronic brakeforce distribution (EBD), central door locking, impact sensing auto door unlock, and additional safety measures.