Launched in August this year, Mahindra Thar Roxx is experiencing long waiting times of up to 15 months because of great demand. The SUV has gained consumer appeal pricing between Rs 12.99 lakh and Rs 22.49 lakh (ex-showroom). For all the 3- and 5-door models, Mahindra’s monthly production capability right now is 9,500 units.
The company intends to increase production in phases to satisfy the growing demand; the second phase seeks to produce monthly output to surpass 11,000 units. This rise will provide Mahindra the adaptability to balance production between the two types better and more effectively satisfy client requests.
Mahindra is poised to progressively raise production capacity in order to meet the explosive demand. Notwithstanding these initiatives, the great volume of bookings could cause purchasers to have to wait for more. To satisfy the great demand and expedite order fulfillment, the company prioritizes a simplified production method.
The Thar Roxx is available under the hood with a 2.2-liter diesel engine or 2.0-liter turbo-petrol. There are two versions of the petrol engine: the manual one generates 150 horsepower and 330 Nm of torque; the automatic one generates 174 bhp and 380 Nm. The diesel models come only in four-wheel drive.