A revamped version of the Tata Avinya which was initially launched on April 2022, is being exhibited at The Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025, boasting its upgraded features. It is said to be the Company’s vison towards a pure GEN 3 Electric Vehicle. It is endowed with new age technology, software and artificial intelligence that assures a serene voyage for the motorist. Pioneering features like ultra fast charge capability and a large battery pack of with a range of at least 500 km is anticipated.
The latest Avinya through the eagle’s eyes:
Exhibiting a muscular contour, the automobile retains its T-shaped LED DRLs, a blanked-off grille and gleaming LED headlights, camera-based outside rearview mirrors (ORVMs) and the ‘Avinya’ badge on the front doors.
It affirms a minimalistic yet opulent design delivering a spacious interior that is lead into the warm and welcoming butterfly doors. The functional console inspired steering wheel and the voice activated systems offer a greater access for all its passengers.
The coupe is equipped with a wide range of splendid featured such as dual 12.3-inch display (one for the instrumentation and another for infotainment), a panoramic sunroof, a wireless phone charger and multi-zone auto AC and also distinctive features like EV-specific features like vehicle-to-load (V2L) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)
A resilient safety suite has been reinforced with at least 6 airbags (as standard), 360-degree camera and some advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) features like adaptive cruise control and lane keep assist.
This trailblazing automobile is expected to hit the roads 2026.
In conclusion, as the name suggests Avinya which means ‘Innovative’ , offers an unique blend of luxury, comfort and versatility.